29 Candles
I threw myself a little playdate birthday party today and the theme was green. Green grapes, green popcorn, green cupcakes. Fast forward to two minutes ago: Loverpants picks up something off the floor. Said he thought it was green play-dough.
We realized that during his phone conversation, while she was sitting barebottomed and reading "My First Potty" or some such classic tome, she had left a pile of green poop for our discovery later.
That being said, she did tinkle in the potty for the first time yesterday morning. Best birthday present ever.
I'm having a difficult transition from the stay-at-home life to the work-a-day life. I feel lonely most of the time. That delicious freedom is not, as it turns out, so delicious when you have too much of it -- when you're counting down the minutes until you can go scoop up Baby Girl. I celebrate this, though, because I was not always a person that craved being around people. I used to savor the solitude, warding off the minutes until I would have to answer my husband's questions, ruing the person who would dare call my phone and interrupt my silence. Now, I prefer the noise of pitter patter feet in the hall, followed by the balloons and coffee mug and Curious George doll I know she is trying to haul in one trip. I prefer interruptions and company, I don't mind the unmade bed, the toothpaste in the sink. I like people around, I love them love them LOVE them long time.
In this coming year of life, I really just want to live my life for God. I mean, nothing fancy or clever. Just live each day for Him. I want to answer that everything I do, I do it for God's greater glory. Amen.