Kendra Stanton Lee

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Chasing Away the Winter Blahs

This weekend marks the half-way mark. Friends, we are mid-way through the soul suck that is January! January is still such a hard month to endure, my SADness always feels so much more magnified, the wintry weather always swirls of endless gray, and jumpstarting a whole new crop of students for spring semester takes everything I've got. Spring Break seems an interminably long time off, as do any other holidays of note. Ergo, God knew what He was doing in giving me a daughter in January. There's more to which I can look forward in this month when I can focus on celebrating the blessings that she has brought to our family. As I toast my daughter this month, I'll also try to share a few other things that I'm doing to make festive during these first 31derful days of the year.

Stocked up... To avoid a critical shortage, I purchased a ridiculous quantity of Cinnamon Gummy Hearts, Cherry Hearts and Strawshmallows. Photo 54

His banner over me is love... This bunting was handcrafted by the talented artist Jenny at BlueMoonStudios. The quality is excellent and this little banner is surprisingly impactful! I recommend her work! bunting

More Comfort Food... I can attest that Laura's Peanut Butter Baked Oatmeal is what gets me out of bed on the wintry freeze your tochis off morning.

(To Be Continued)