Kendra Stanton Lee

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Summer is a very creative time for me. I mean, both of my children were conceived during summer months. BAH-HAHH!

Yeah, summer is a fruitful time for me.  I read a lot, I clean a lot, I organize and plan.  It is a good time for me to start projects and I may even stay up late a couple nights in a row to finish them!  (Or I may leave the pile of newly ironed clothes on the banister that I am *eventually* planning to sell on e-bay, though it would appear in this instance that I am waiting for the clothes to rise like "Thriller" zombies and take pictures of themselves and post to the interwebz with paypal directives.)

I wish I could feel the way I do the rest of the year, but I've tried to mind-over-matter the whole lack of inertia thing in the frosty thick of January, and, frankly?  If there's a puddle on the floor and no one is going to slip on it?  I'll just wait to mop it up in June.

I'm sort of antsypantsed right now because I'd really like to take a knitting class or go to a chocolate tasting and learn about organic cacao or paint an awesome design on a picnic bench, but I'm indentured to Little Man's feeding schedule, which is fine, it's what my boobs signed up for and it's going well, praises be.  I also feel like I'm in a fog that is slooooowly lifting, and anyone who dares tempt me to Think Ahead about Something in the Long Term Future of Next Week must seriously have it out for me because I am operating on an hour-by-hour survival these days.

Anyway.  Very glad to have summer and creativity and kids and Loverpants and the imperative to be barefoot and popsicle drippy-stained for at least a couple more months.

sweet cheeks

Speaking of creative, guess who got her first professional haircut?

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