Dear Daughter, who turns six today, Always take the long view.

long view

Step back. See the big picture. Be circumspect. Dream big about your future, because, Baby Girl, it's going to be a bright one. Don't become so entangled in the things that demand your attention right.this.minute. You can miss all the beauty of the horizon; you can ignore a skywriter writing your name across a big blue canvas.

Take the long view because it's the hard view to take. If, in the middle of a New England February six years ago, when every orifice of my body was leaking from bringing forth this beautiful baby girl into the world, someone had told me to squint my eyes and think how small this moment was on the trajectory of child-rearing, I would have handed that person my soaked-through pajamas and cackled like a mad woman. At the time, it all felt so heavy and magnified. But that moment is so far from me now. Now you and I go to paint-your-own-pottery on a Saturday night and have big chats about what color to paint our coffee mugs.


Baby Girl,

Always take the short view.


Step closer. Examine the paint strokes. Stand in awe of the footnotes of creation. Hold a tiny caterpillar in your hands. Hold captive the attention of an otherwise distracted millennial. Don't be so intimidated by playing the long game. You are only this close to the ground for a short time. Enjoy proximity to the roses; be a part of the the small daily miracles of tying shoelaces and climbing trees.

Take the short view because it's the hard view to take. If, while examining your dimpled knuckles and smelling your intoxicating baby smell, someone told me that someday this same child would school me in dinosaur species and multiplication tables at the age of five, I would have wept. Those moments are a part of our days right now and my thankfulness for your strength of mind, character, and body is beyond words.


Today you are six. Daddy reminded me that your lap around the sun is not officially complete until much later tonight. We are holding the sand grains of time cupped gingerly in our hands, but we stand powerless to let them escape and catch flight. What impossible profundity is this gift of life where we stand frozen in this sacred moment, while holding eternity in our hearts. You enrich it all, the long view, the short view, six-times-six-times-six-fold.


Happy Birthday, Baby Girl.

Love, Mama

Greetings from Downton Madi #downton

Greetings. My name is Lady Louella. I reside at Downton Abbey, but am presently on holiday at Downton Madi, to be closer to the seaside. I am fortunate that although these quarters are modest, I do have a ladies' maid who travels with me; she assists me with all of my wardrobing. I don't know what I might do if she off and became a cleric or joined the Civil Service. Perish the thought! lu2

My ladies' maid always knows what is in fashion for high tea; I trust her sensibilities implicitly. She isn't like other peasant folks I have encountered in the past, mucking around in their ratty britches. My ladies' maid understands couture of the highest order. Thank heavens. lu1 lu4

We often enjoy luncheon in town. Afterwards, we will sometimes enjoy a leisurely painting session in the small studio down the lane from Downton Madi. lu5 lu6

Although it may appear common, I do so enjoy taking an afternoon constitutional with one of the house canines. It is good sport and the fresh air is quickening to my extremities. lu7

In the evenings, I often pen a letter to my dear cousin Trixie to inquire as to how she is getting on with so many Labour party activists vying for a patch of land from a Tory loyalist like herself. I've advised her to cease being trifled with all of that and to come visit me here at Downton Madi where she might meet a young bloke in the Royal Navy. Wouldn't that be terribly clever?

I then retire to my quarters and enjoy a long slumber with the sounds of the seaside crashing against my bonny cottage. fair Downton Madi. lu3

What I want to remember about Christmas 2013

- Seeing Frozen with the Stanwicks and my babies.- Taking many walks out in the legit MidWestern cold - Cousin Sean with hilarious running commentary about Settlers of Catan - Cousins Colleen, Kathleen and Maureen waxing humorous re: Buzzfeed - Mom running a beauty spa with Baby Girl - The old man "making it rain" per Connor - Goobs and the iPad book - Umma letting me sleep until obscene hours - Apa being persuaded that he would be able to sell his house for a million dollars if he adopted a digital thermometer - Joe keeping the kiddies entertained from the trunk - Winter hike even though my kiddies were wearing the worst whineypants

- Little Man's new "funny face." - Yoga at Inner Bliss; Tammy telling everyone, "I bet you are all thinking Santa's not going to bring you anything," and me feeling confident about the opposite.