To Sasha Obama

Dear Sasha Obama, We missed you last night, but I know how it is. You had an exam this morning. You can't be howling at the moon, whooping it up with all the Obama llamas. While the rest of us were standing in abject denial that this was really #ObamaFarewell, nobody gave you a farewell from the books. I put some respek on that, as the kids say.

In case you missed it, your dad waxed poetic about virtues and values but mostly he just made time stand still and we all sighed and cried and hoped that you were somewhere duct-taped to the front gates of the White House gates barring exit.


Your dad is the 44th president but first in our hearts. I can only imagine what it's like to know that your pops is the same man who inspires millions of people every day, people who have found his strength of character and level-headed leadership style so refreshing. I also wonder what it's like to be disciplined by a man who constantly speaks with pregnant pauses, while peering into your soul. How does that even work? " will never...ever...have to resolve... with intrepid hope...such as you will turn the key...INTO the ignition." End: fantasy of President Obama teaching me to drive.


P080509PS-0410Before you dip out, please let me commend you for the grace you have shown as a First Kid. I found 4th grade to be an absolute battlefield and 7th grade was a hot mess. That was without the Secret Service monitoring my playdates and Suri's Burn Book running her mouth about my fetch fashions. Props to you, Sasha. I hope you and Malia will call upon your years playing hide and seek in the Lincoln Bedroom as a fond time. I also hope you'll totally rock it wherever you land, whether it's Chicago with your folks or Boston with Malia or elsewhere. I also hope Bo lives forever and that you never have to humor your old man's jokes about pardoning turkeys ever again.


Most presently, though, I hope you crushed that exam, girl.


Blessings, Kendra

Congratulations, Hillary

My gal pal from collegetold me about the saddest thing her co-worker brought to work the day after the election, from a watch party the co-worker had hosted.

My friend had found it in the break room: a huge (yuge) sheet cake (the biggest). It said Congratulations, Hillary and she knew this because no one had (yet) taken a single bite.

I told her I couldn't stop thinking about that cake, how sad a confection rendered inedible, for coworkers trying to be politic when it came to the politics of cake wrecks.

My friend sent me a picture of the cake and I could tell whoever had iced it must have airbrushed with red but voted blue because it was amazing, the precision of the stars, the flourish of the letters of your name.

My friend thinks maybe they threw the sheet cake away not because no one would eat it but because it was bringing down morale.

Kind of like when a qualified woman gets passed up for promotion by a male far less proficient, resting on his laurels.

It's sad and the morale here is still low but I guess it's like they say you can't always have your cake and eat it, too.

hillary cake

Critiquing by creating: what our world seems to have forgotten how to do

My creative compass rarely points to things that scare the snot out of me. I favor creating things that I sense will make someone smile, that will make an otherwise pedestrian mail day a bit brighter. I create safely. I rarely create to bend rules or write new ones. But when I do, I recoil in fear that someone might come along and yank back the reins so that I'll never get to create again. You make people uncomfortable with your creativity. What was wrong with what we already had? This? This is too risky.

Over the past few months, though, I've been noodling around the idea of creating to critique. It's a motto attributed to Michelangelo, who no doubt pondered creation with a capital C for a good fraction of his life. I can't remember what dorkcast reminded me of the highest form of criticism, but I've been returning to it again and again. I wish the world would follow.

At its core, critique by creation aims to to either improve the existent model or invent something that never existed. Rather than simply evaluate the pros and cons of the unprofitable lemonade stand, critiquing by creation puts wheels on the lemonade stand and takes it on the road. We know this is not where the story ends, though. Because say the lemonade truck proves profitable. Then the critiquers will hover near. They will replicate. They may even rob. They want a squeeze of that lemon but rather than create their own mobile happiness, they are mired in their own jealousy which often leads to destruction.

Hot Dog Stand, West St. and North Moore, Manhattan.

The problem with history is that it holds plenty of shelf space for both the builders and the destroyers. It doesn't discriminate between the worthy and the vile, nor should it because we need to learn the lessons we're not meant to repeat.

If only those who critiqued through creation were more celebrated than those who destroyed.


I cannot possibly fathom why I will spend the rest of my life getting choked up when I pass a baseball field and think of what plays Martin Richard might have designed. I cannot reason why Trayvon Martin doesn't get to draft new flight patterns as a pilot. Tell me why the city of Cleveland will spend $6M appeasing the family of the late Tamir Rice instead of sending him to college where he could dream, grow, learn, create. Why are the video tools that are supposed to advance our creativity so often used--by necessity--to capture brutal, senseless slayings by police officers or terrorist organizations?

Millions March NYC


The story of Creation that I know begins with a God who always was and always is, who creates from nothing a world meant to be shared and enjoyed by His other beloved creations.

We do not truly create in this life but cull from the resources we are given things shiny and pleasing. We fancy ourselves inventors but we are only simply trying to get back to the Edenic place we began, when all was alive and good. This is the choice we have each day. It is not a choice as to build a block tower or knock someone else's over. We choose whether we will believe enough in a world that was meant to be life-giving for every man, plant, animal or whether we will be complicit in its destruction. What kind of critics will we be?

Silver Spring #ReclaimMLK Sit-In 17
