Did you hear?

Last Saturday? I left the house, which was actually my old man's house, and in my purse? I DID NOT HAVE A DIAPER! Untitled

I know you what you are thinking.

You are thinking this is a post either about: a.) more hot mess mama episodes in ill-preparedness

- or -

b.) the sweet miracle of potty training.

I can assure you it is about neither of the above!

Rather, I departed with handbag SANS diaper expressly on purpose.

Because hubaloves and moi had ourselves a date night!! It was sublime!


My cousin Ryan married his beautiful bride Rachel, which gave us excuse to drive nine hours to the CleveLAND THAT I LOVE, and see my big fat Irish family, and dance until the true measure of our deodorant would be tested.

Date nights are always rare and delightful but not many involve fancy cheeses and singing 867-530-NIIIYEEEYIIIYEEN with all of your coolest cousins.

Betty or joan

Big props to Big Pops and Nana J for tending to my kiddies who make me very proud indeed that they are no longer basketcases when I leave and are actually almost alarmingly chill about my whisking away into the night with the sweet fellow that I so adore.


Kendra Starter Kit

The starter kit idea is nothing new under the sun, but I like it because it's not just a shameless consumerist plug for products. The starter kit is a sampling of items (some intangible) that say something about who you are. I invite other bloggers to join me. Comment with a link to the blog post where you do. I'm specifically tagging my friend Jackie here to encourage her to do a starter kit :)

Here's my starter kit for me, right now, April 2012.



This is the greatest lip treatment known to mankind. I have it in my office and my bathroom and possibly my car. I am trying to live a more natural life. Also, I like to leave embarrassing smooch marks on Loverpants' face. So. I go through a lot of it.


The Return of the Prodigal Son: A Story of Homecoming


If you want to understand the place that I started on the spiritual path that I am on now, you need to read this book. I was never a prodigal. I was always the brother who remained. I followed all my parents' rules. I never squandered my fortune. I always thought God's love extended to me for my own righteous works and observance of the law. I never really understood the grace that God extended to me as a sinner, never understood what it was to come to God in faith until I read this book. I read it as a freshman in college when I first began to wander from the doctrine that I had formerly received as truth and this book helped to form the faith that continues to grow and be shaped by a God who really does care for us as a Father receiving His prodigal and rule-following children with equal parts love and compassion. Also, Nouwen's writing is immaculate.


New Balance Women's WR993 Running Shoe,Grey,9 B

I am on a weight loss journey right now. I am not happy in the land of obesity. I was in excellent shape before we moved to TN but my life here is significantly more sedentary than in Boston where I was involved in Baby Boot Camp and walking was more a part of the fabric of my life. I also keep getting injured in TN and I know that part of this is God telling me to stop being so hasty, but it's also been a detriment to my activity. I just bought some new running kicks, though, so hopefully I am on a smoother past to better fitness.

*** See Eyewear

My glasses are something of a penance since I would probably rather wear contact lenses most days but I skeeve the thought of touching my eyeballs. Cannot bring myself to do it. So I wear glasses and why not wear some Mad Men specs that are a constant conversation piece?


*** Frozen Yogurt Self-Serve Bars

fro yo

I am an addict. You need to know this.


These cuties. I feel my purpose within this family is clear and therefore my purpose in the world is clearer. I am loved by this family and have come to know God because of these 3 blessings.


photo by Caressa Rogers

So, that's a start. I could throw in a Bethany Dillon album, a view of the Boston Harbor, some crazy stockings, and an iPod full of The Moth broadcasts. But for now, I am eager to explore your own kits!



I remember reading a post Dooce wrote about how she honestly hated traveling with kids. And at the time I was all, Ohhh booo hooo, you have to make bajillions of moneys on advertising your life via the intranets, cry me a river about your travels with tots. But then I became a mother and I became the mother who has found herself traveling often with her kids. I can vouch that sometimes traveling with young kids is a bit Oliver Twist-ish. You're pressed up to the windows of posh restaurants like a hungry beggar, dreaming if only...if only that could be me. But instead you are reduced to eating in lame-o restaurants where they can't just call the chicken nuggets chicken nuggets on the menu, they have to call them something like Brontosaurus Bites. Do you know how fiercely I avoid having to order anything off of menus that will embarrass me? I will go to great lengths to not have to say "Venti" in Starbucks, por ejemplo. Anyway. This past weekend we went to Nashville WITH OUR KIDS and they were their delightful feral selves. I was my usual high-energy grumpy self. Loverpants was his usual chill, dutiful self. We saw our friend Kate who was marvelously charitable and thoughtful to us and packed things like fruit salad!!! to take to the restaurant "just in case we need that." I know. What kind of awesome friend does that? Just KNOWS that your kids do not want the Brontosaurus Bites at civilized eating establishments. ::sigh:: Thank God for friends who know the deal.

I sort of forget that when you travel, you're just changing venues. You're just changing the scenery and the pantry items. It's always latebreaking news to me that, KENDRA? YOU'RE STILL PARENTING. Even when you're traveling. I generally do most of the packing for our trips and I'm getting pretty stealth with the snack bags and the books and change of outfits, etc. But in all the packing and planning, I forget that it's not just about having the gummi bears on hand. It's about taking that extra reality check. Hey there, mama self. You know this trip? You know it has the potential to be really exhausting, right?

I will not regale you with the family reunion and the completely de classe scene at the La Quinta Inn this a.m. but I will say that this weekend's trip was exhausting and wonderful and the park system in downtown Nashville is phenombomb!

Can't wait to get back. With or without our punks.





