Hello and Goodbye

Crazypants week! Said hello to a new dolly from Nana Red.


Then bid adieu to Nana Red (after having many laughs over Baby Girl's shenanigans).

Said hello to all thirty-ish of my new students! Was totally shaking before class. Professor Nervous Nelly! But my first class went fine and I think I will have them eating composition out of my bare hand by the end of semester.

Then we said hello to my in-laws, and Loverpants' grandmother from Vancouver.





Baby Girl was especially fond, as in squealing with delight whenever she found him with at least one arm unoccupied, of her Uncle Joe.


She was also a big fan of Pennie the puppy, and the feeding thereof.

IMG_3597 It was our sadness to have to say goodbye to all of these fave peeps once more...Life's comings and goings are sometimes overrated, no?
