July 9
/Arrival 8 years ago
suitcase full of suits
taxi ride along Storrow Drive to apartment of summer
sunny day, auspicious. Tax Status: Single Many, many McJobs
dinners of black beans and salsa
wine stains on the rug
roommates and dance parties
riding the Fung Wah to NYC
debt and depression
but always, church
baptized, engaged
Tax Status: Married
honeymoon, swoon
lovenest brought to you by IKEA
unemployment, creativity
grad school, confidence
corporate jobbing
scoping real estate
sign on the line
plus sign on a stick
gestate, wait
Tax Status: Married with Dependents
add: cherub
glory, coming into own
joyous exhaustion
socking away old hurts
mama friends
making stroller tracks
requisite iced coffee
peddling lip gloss
capstone complete
secure sheepskin
travel solo
adjunct lecture
add: cherub two
consider days here, numbered.....