Never Too Late
There may have been a time when another birthday paralyzed me with fear BUT I HAVEN'T SEEN A FABERGE EGG YET and I was plagued with jitters about all that I needed to accomplish WHAT IF I NEVER GET MY CHANCE TO BE ON 'THE PRICE IS RIGHT' before the next birthday. But not so much anymore.
I got a hub. I got a kid. I got a mortgage. I got student debt.
I could let all that hold me back.
But my friends are too amazing to let that happen.
Which is why I'm pleased to report that this past weekend has been ab fab, and that, HEY kiddies, it's never too late!
It's never too late to strap your kid onto your bike and get jiggy with it!
It's never too late to attend your first party at a home with a half-pipe and sit on the sidelines and yell GNARLY!! when the boarders wipe out.
It's never too late to try and convince your BFF Stephy not to move to Provi after all. (Her daughter Fabiola is indeed made of sugar cookie dough, just in case you were wondering if she was actually edible).
And finally, it's never too late to discover that the shirt you pulled out of the rag bag for the party was actually stained. Which you discover after you post pics of yourself on the interweb. Huzzah!