Office Space
/Been trying to jooge up my windowless cinderblock psych ward cell NOT THAT I AM COMPLAININ' where I spend long days staring at grade spreadsheets and rewarding myself for doing so much math by eating whole fistfuls of monkey munch ADDICTIVE! I am picky when it comes to prints. It can't be too college dormy cliche (hello, Van Gogh "Starry Night") and it can't be too text-heavy (Keep Calm much?). It has to inspire and offer me something new to see every time I see it.
When I was still in Boston, I met a graphic designer whose series Places I Have Never Been just struck me as so clever. The execution of this print series does not disappoint. Moreover, as I have come to know Jennifer Hill, I esteem her as a rockstar all around. My dear friends Nick and Em received a custom print of her Bordeaux France for their wedding (Tres Adorbs) and I am now a proud owner of her Boston Landmark print for the aforementioned blank canvas that is my office:
A little bit of matting and a little Bob Ross vinyl to look down on me and this den is viola! Imagination station.
Speaking of DIY design, if you are in the market for an excellent tome to help your own interior design concept, may I suggest the Design*Sponge textbook o' design. I just gifted my friend Althea with this here book and then I was all, but I wanna too! So I did, and now I can pretend to be eating my cereal NOT in the kitchen of a country bumpkin rental property but rather in a spectacular Upper East Side flat as I page through this lovely bible of original designwork.