
Dear Diary, This past week, the dream I held for myself when I was a little girl? Did not come true.

And thank God for that.

Especially since I think being the first U.S. Olympic Team woman figure skater to be featured on a Trapper Keeper wearing hot pink and orchid-colored leg warmers now seems a little ill-advised. I mean, the Trapper Keeper industry seems like it has sort of taken a slump in the Western market (but who knows for Asia, you know?). And I think the cold, cloistered life on an ice rink would have bummed me out after awhile, anyway.

So, I'm glad this past week to have just embraced this new dream. I taught three classes that I'd never taught before, to students that listened and engaged and asked questions and said things like, "Those are my faves." I was glad when they laughed when I dove across a table pretending to be a Serious Journalist on a Deadline, but I was less than glad when they tried to add me as a Facebook friend because, urrm? Where else am I allowed to talk about students?

I was also proud of my Loverpants who also taught a college class and he not only wore a bowtie and cufflinks and red Converse chucks but also launched his course with a cultural anthropology exercise that very much rocked.

Toward the end of the week, I walked in a parade of people wearing robes and funny hats with tassels, and a little part of me wondered if this was sort of the same thrill as landing a triple salchow.

::OOOOWWWWOOOOWWWWW goes the crowd::

I am a very fortunate liver of this proffy dream.

To academic integrity, and beyond!

Yours, K


Loverpants ironing my regalia. I like most domesticity but the ironing is not one of my faves. IMG_5874


P.S. I am $285 away from reaching my goal for ASH. Could you throw a fin toward sustaining medicine for women and children outside of Nairobi, Kenya?