
You know the girl from school for whom everything was so ridiculously easy? Maybe she and you went to grade school together and then she followed you to high school and the easy-peasy lemon-squeezy shuffle continued for her and you just looked askance, Really? She's allowed to have the grades and the car and the friends and even the locker that is not next to the door that always swings open right into your backpack eleven times before first bell? And she always skates by on charm, always has a hottie date to the dance, always sort of looks right through you as she waves to one of her higher ranking fanclub members NO YOU MAY NOT. Well I saw her the other night. Went up to her and said hi, and Merry Christmas and can you believe this restaurant is closing for good?

And you know what?

She was so nice. And so mannerly and so genuinely kind. She had gained some weight and who hasn't since high school? But the only reason I bring it up is because I felt as though the Old Kendra would have been all doing the cabbage patch dance I'M NOT THE FAT ONE THIS TIME I'M NOT THE FAT ONE whereas the New Kendra can be happy that we both can be happy for one another. Which I was.

And I feel very much as though I got to the end of the Willy Wonka Chocolate Factory Tour and I just handed the everlasting gobstopper sample back to Willy, honest gal that I am, and he takes me by the hand and then presses his hands to my cheeks and says, "My girl! You've won! You've won You've won You've WON OH MY GIRL, YOU HAVE WON!"

I really have. I have hit the grand jackpot. Knowing what I know, that the contest is over, that the prize of popularity is hollow and turns brass. That if you can come out of the whole gauntlet of grade school and the small ring of hell that was high school with a sense of gratitude for all that you learned and a sense of generosity for all the good things that have come to others--then you, too, have won.

So. How were your holidays?

*** These two. They share so much, they steal everything from the other. But mostly they share laughs. And mostly they steal kisses. IMG_5011IMG_5012IMG_5013






My in-laws bought Baby Girl a sled that said LUCKY BUMS in very large letters where the bum sits before it goes flying Chevy Chase style.




Having a deep and meaningful with Frosty.


Being a helicopter parent at the bounce house







Loverpants has been taking this very photo on this very couch with this very dear friend Marissa since way back. But this was the first time Auntie M got to meet her niece and nephew, so it was a special photoshoot indeed.



Uncle Joe double-fisting his babies. Little Man distracted.


Christmas Day, readyin' up for church


Shalomin' with our homeys, celebrating our friend Jukes' birthday on Christmas day


Santa's elf IMG_5067IMG_5068 IMG_5069



Trip to Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. Cold day. Furry animals. Twas awesome.




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